Jeanne Viviani

Director, Research Development
Florida Atlantic University

DEI Statement

As an active member of NCURA for 20 years, I declined many requests to run formally for leadership positions. I stepped aside because I believed my colleagues and friends were stronger candidates and leaders and I chose to cheer them on. Even after being selected for and completing the Leadership Development Institute (LDI, now ELP) in 2008-2009, I believed my contribution would still be a supportive role. I felt I needed more experience in research administration, mentoring and training before I could be a strong leader for an organization that has given me so much. Now, I am prepared and uniquely positioned to serve as the Region III Chair-Elect given my experience – professional and voluntary – in the field of Research Administration.

In my current role at Florida Atlantic University, I closely advise faculty, students, and staff on research development and proposal enhancement information. Even though research development has normally been outside of NCURA’s focus, I was heartened to see a Research Development track last year. As Region III Chair-Elect, I will encourage participation from many other professionals (such as leadership development and process improvement to name two) to be part of the only “Beachin Region” in NCURA.

My professional experience running offices of sponsored programs solo or with only limited staff required me to collaborate extensively with other units across my institutions to make things happen. Teamwork is incredibly important in Region III as well given our relative size and distribution. Making sure everyone has a voice and can contribute to the organizational governance also means being more aware of who is at the table and making space for them.

I finished my Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification in April 2023. It has ignited conversations and provided a completely new way of looking at the business of research administration. While sponsored research offices have been slower to apply continuous process improvement principles, the ones who are leading the way are providing roadmaps for other institutions. When leading an organization, having the right information will be crucial for continued improvements.

I have been and always will be an enthusiastic “coach” who is an out of the box thinker. As a maverick, I am always questioning why things are done the way they are done. I am the first one to ask questions when I don’t know the answer. What I do know about this fantastic organization and Region III is the vibrant camaraderie we enjoy. I would be humbled and honored to serve as the Region III Chair-Elect.